Sunday, August 9, 2009

A conversation with Ben

I sat down with Ben on Friday to discuss what is going on with Amelia. He had mentioned something about her so I figured it was as good a time as any. We had checked out a book at the Library about hearts and the Circulatory system so that helped to explain what a normal heart looks like. Then I showed him our brochure from the American Heart Association and what Amelia's heart looks like. He completely understood that she does not have a line in the middle of her heart. I then explained that we are going to have 4 - 5 Doctors try and fix her heart but their is a great chance they will not even be able to. So I told him at that point we may have to let her go up to Heaven because God is the only one that can fix her Heart but if we let her go then she can not come back. We also had a chance to discuss that Mama Nell, Misty's mother who passed away already, would be there to take care of her. He really thought that Mama Nell taking care of her if she did go to Heaven would be a good idea. Misty has done an outstanding job over the last couple of years making sure he knows who her Mother is and how she is already in Heaven. He also thinks that our 2 cats are going to be up there to help as well.

He then explained the entire story to Misty 30 minutes later and had a great grasp of what God helped me explain to him. What a blessing that God laid the right words on my heart and mind at the right time. In fact I had just prayed 15 minutes earlier to help me have the right words to explain everything to him and I was still not ready. But right when the moment was there God walked me and Ben through that conversation.

Ben and I also went and did some shopping for Amelia. He of course loved everything in the entire store and wanted me to buy her one of everything. We did walk out with several things and have already washed them and packed them for Tuesday. Ben picked out her first blanket and insists that she is going to love it so much.

Now our focus this Sunday is to make sure we have all of our directives agreed upon between the 2 of us. I would have never ever thought about a birthing plan but it is very important to make sure the medical staff is all on the same page as Misty and I. We are wanting to make sure we spend as much time as possible with Amelia once she is born and stable. These are not easy things to discuss but I know once we have we will be much better off on Tuesday. I am also very thankful that God is in control of all of this. I also feel a sense of peace knowing that He will equip us with the wisdom and strength to handle what is exactly in front of us.

We also stumbled into another amazing resource. Well I should say that God put us in touch with this fabulous lady. Through a mutual friend we have lined up a professional photographer that will come and take as many photos as she can and we wish for free. She is part of a national organization that does this for families in these type situations. She also provides us with a CD and will allow us to copy the photos as much as we want. What a blessing to know that we will have a professional there helping to capture as many photos as we can. These may be the only professional photos we have of Amelia so I am truly thankful to her. Her name is Monica Carroll and her website is

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