Saturday, August 15, 2009

Picture of Amelia

This is one of the incredible photos that our new dear friend Monica Carroll took for us as part of an organization named Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. This is a national organization that professional photographers join and when called upon come to assist a family in need. I can't say enough about how wonderful it was to have Monica Carroll there with us. She took over 560 photos in the short 4 hours! You can also view her website at We really appreciate her and her work more than words can describe.


  1. Robbie and Misty,
    Prior to seeing the picture of little Amelia with my own eyes I could only imagine her preciousness, but her sweetness and beauty captured my heart. She was and is God's perfect gift. The pictures will be a treasure, holding that place in your heart until you see each other again face to face. Thank you for your courage to share so deeply with all of us so that we might catch a glimpse of heaven. May the Lord continue to hold you close.
    Sue Hamilton and family

  2. What a beautiful picture of your sweet baby girl. You will treasure it forever. After we lost Olivia we included her pictures on the wall with other family photos. When our little boy was born we moved one of the pictures to his night stand. Although Jeffrey isn't old enough to understand, we tell him that he has a big sister and that she lives in Heaven. Putting a picture of Amelia in Ben's room may help him to understand that he has a baby sister.

    Oh, and this world keeps getting smaller, I've known Monica since I was a young girl. Her sister and I grew up in school together.

    ~ Lurenda
